
medicinal Movement to sooth your soul & Dynamic Vinyasa to increase your vitality


Work Privately

What if your yoga teacher was also your massage therapist, and personal trainer or spinning instructor?

What if your yoga teacher had seen your body in action on a bike or paddle board and was already astutely familiar with your joint mobility + flexibility. 

What if your teacher already knew your trigger points and how your muscles felt relaxed or under the pressure of her fingers. Well now you can find out. 

Whether in yoga,  ballet or martial arts, boxing, competitive cycling, mountain biking or paddle boarding, working with a private instructor coach, establishes more accountability and deepens your learning with greater efficiency. 

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“Motivation doesn’t last but neither do showers. Wash daily.”
— Zig Ziglar
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Stream a prerecorded class from our online library anytime.

Yoga & Fitness Classes On Demand

Yoga for Cancer Care

On hold until fall 2024


A gentle yoga & meditation class for those navigating cancer. Open to anyone and their loved ones in any stage of the process: diagnosis, treatment and recovery. No prior yoga experience is necessary and all postures are broken down and made accessible to support students with physical or energetic limitations. Students are encouraged to use supportive props they can find at home: pillows, blankets, towels, eye pillows, etc. to have the most relaxing experience.

Connect with other cancer thrivers in the comfort and safety of your own home via Zoom. Classes are held Tuesdays & Thursdays at 1pm, and are generously underwritten by the Cape Wellness Collaborative and 100% FREE.